For most people, going to the dentist is done only when you feel something painful that involves your teeth. However, this is actually far from true; a highly experienced South Yarra dentist can do so much more than just alleviate pain - they can also help make life much more comfortable for you and in some cases even help boost your self-esteem.
Of course, dentists deal primarily with alleviating pain secondary to illnesses in the teeth. The most common causes of pain in the mouth are dental caries (or cavities as they are more commonly known). Cavities are tooth infections caused by bacteria which thrive on leftover sugars and food on the teeth. These bacteria can produce acid which can then demineralise the hard surfaces of teeth (such as enamel and dentin). Dentists usually address these infections by removing decayed parts of the teeth and then either filling up gaps with a dental composite or applying inlays made of gold or other metals.
Dentists can also treat other causes of oral and facial pain, such as an impacted wisdom tooth, bruxism, and even missing teeth. For an impacted tooth, a dentist can extract the offending tooth to keep it from crowding other mouth structures. Bruxism, which is more commonly known as tooth grinding, is treated by the use of custom-made guards and splints to prevent the teeth from coming into contact with each other during sleep. Missing teeth, on the other hand, can result in discomfort during chewing, and is treated by the manufacture of dentures, through the installation of crowns and bridges, or by putting in dental implants.
Of course,as mentioned earlier, a good dentist can also help boost your self-esteem. This is because your teeth can have a great impact on your appearance; many people refuse to smile simply because they do not like how their teeth look. Yellowish teeth (whether as a result of genetics or habits) can be easily addressed through tooth whitening treatments. Missing teeth, as mentioned previously, can be replaced using dentures, crowns, or implants, while crooked teeth can be straightened out using orthodontic braces. Veneers offer a suitable alternative for all these treatments; these tooth-coloured porcelain casings can be placed in front of the teeth to cover up permanent stains, hide small chips in the teeth and close gaps. In some cases, veneers can also be an unconventional substitute for orthodontic braces.
a dentist can help you improve your health practices. They can teach you about proper oral care and other preventive methods (such as good diet and avoidance of smoking) that can help save your teeth, and to a certain extent, even your health.