Monday, March 4, 2013

Dental Caps: Things You Should Know About It

Where damages to the tooth are severe and simple tooth fillings won’t do, dental crown is processed. In other terms, it’s also called as a tooth cap or a dental cap. It’s basically a type of dental restoration that completely covers a tooth or a dental implant. It can function like the natural teeth. Dental caps are processed in a way that it permanently fixed to the underlying teeth.
There are things to know about dental caps. Their importance goes beyond the restoration of the damaged teeth. They are used to hold together weak or cracked tooth or could be a bridge to cover up a tooth that almost has no material left in it. The world of cosmetics has a great thing to say about dental caps because it aids the beauty of the teeth. When the teeth are discolored, they can rely on dental caps to beautify it. They mostly use porcelain or ceramic caps to match the natural color of the teeth.
Actually, there are a lot of materials that dental crowns may be made of. They may be made of porcelain, ceramic, metal, resin or a mix of these components. Porcelain caps are the best type of caps used in cosmetics. They are best used for capping the front teeth. People who have allergies with metal could go for porcelain also. Like other materials, they are prone to wearing out so they may not be the best option for people with tooth grinding or bruxism condition.
One that is said to be a stronger dental crown type is that of porcelain and metal mix. Although because of its metal, this may not be recommended for cosmetics as the metal component may be visible as a dark line on the gums. This type is still not exempted from the breaking down and chipping process eventually.
If you want an inexpensive type of crown, the resin tooth caps are the most popular choice however they are still subject to the wearing out and fractures. Among the caps, it’s the metal type that is the strongest. In fact, they can withstand the forces of biting, break and does not easily wear down no matter the years of usage. The only thing about metal made caps is they don’t have an appealing color. They are only good for people are molars that can’t be visibly seen by the people.
If you are planning to have one, get the dentist’s approval first. There is a whole lot of preparation needed including the antibiotic intake before and after the procedure to prevent any infections.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Relieve Your Pain With Dry Needling Melbourne Therapists Suggest

Pains can range from manageable to unmanageable. If you get the former, you are lucky. However to get the latter is tough like the musculoskeletal pain. It is often tagged as one tough pain to manage. This is because not only are your muscles in pain but also other parts like the bones, ligaments and tendons.

According to experts, they are caused by different factors like postural strain, prolonged immobilization, repetitive movements, and trauma. Because of the pain felt by the patient, the treatment could range from physical therapy to injections with anti-inflammatory medicines. Fortunately, recent developments lead to a new form of treatment that could help ebb the pain of this condition or have a manageable pain. This is called dry needling.

Like acupuncture, dry needling uses needles for therapies. The needles used are called solid filiform needles. Actually, it used to be known as acupuncture needles. However in the light of distinguishing the two therapies, they changed the name of the dry needling needles. The process can range from superficial to deep dry needling.

Now, the process starts by inserting the filiform needles into the myofascial trigger points. Identifying trigger points is a crucial part of the process for when not done properly, dry needling Melbourne therapist could send someone’s biochemical elements to be changed. Therapists have specialized on where the trigger points are. They are basically made up of several contraction knots that relate to the production and maintenance of the body’s pain cycle.

Studies show that these trigger points are the main source of pain for about 30-85 percent of patients in pain clinics. If they are stimulated, a local twitch response occurs. When during the process this happens, it only means that a proper insertion of the needle is accomplished.

To make this sure this works, experts suggest of soft tissue work and myofascial release to facilitate maximum connective tissue flexibility and decrease soreness. They also suggest of looking into activities that affect movement, posture, and body mechanics. Also if you are one open to this idea, it would be best to seek out this treatment from people who really specialize in this treatment to ensure no adverse effects is gained if for instance they pinned on the wrong trigger point.

With advances of medicine today, you can have a lot of options to treat your condition. This is what dry needling is showing. This is also one great example of a multi-cultural technique that is now well-appreciated by the people.