Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Be Educated And Learn About Gynecomastia Symptoms

Gynecomastia – have you heard of it before? Or is this the first time you actually knew that this term existed? This medical term basically refers to the enlargement of the male breast tissue or what most men regard as “man boobs”. According to a leading physician, one of the prevailing reasons why gynecomastia is hard to define before is because no one ever talks about it. Most men think that this condition is too private and confidential that’s why they have been hesitant to discuss it. In reality, you won’t expect a teenage boy to tell his parents that his breasts are getting bigger, or colleagues comparing the size of their bosoms. With this happening, the confusion and misunderstanding on how to deal with it is perpetuated.

One important thing to take note of about gynecomastia is that it refers to the growth of the glandular tissue, and not the fatty tissue. If you look into a mirror without a shirt on, do you notice some irregularities with your breasts? Or do you think it’s just fat? To guarantee that those are indeed gynecomastia symptoms and not just excess fat, you can conduct a self-checkup: lightly press your thumb and forefinger at the opposite sides of one breast. Let the fingers glide from the starting point to the nipple line. If you feel a flexible, firm or elastic disk under the nipple and areola part, then it’s gynecomastia.

This condition are more likely to take place at any stage of a man’s life, starting from infancy to adolescence to middle age and beyond. Based on recent studies, it basically shows during adolescence, when boys notice enlargement and tenderness of their breasts. The inception of gynecomastia also includes swelling or puffiness of the nipples along with oversensitivity and itchiness. The condition may be because of the boys’ adjusting hormones, so a majority of the gynecomastia symptoms go away naturally as the chemical imbalance in their bodies goes away.

Should the swelling of the breast gland tissue continues, the situation can get worse. The enlargement may appear on both sides or just one. The growth may be uneven and can appear ugly. To prevent getting embarrassed because of this condition, men have their breasts restructured —or they go for a more inexpensive but as effective medication such as taking supplements to eradicate their man boobs.

There are several instances when gynecomastia is treated through surgery rather than taking medicines. If there’s serious and constant swelling, pain, tenderness or discharge, it can lead to a much worse medical condition. Furthermore, breast enlargement in men may certainly be due to more serious underlying causes that include cancer or liver disease, click here to know what specialists have to say.

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